Table of Contents

Light Editor Section – UI Details

Let’s go through the Light editor section GUI in more detail, explaining the various parameters and so on.
Much of this is actually also available as in the in-editor tutorial, you access it by pressing the hat icon in the top right corner of Eden, just left of the close Eden (X) button.
There you will find the tutorials section for Emitter 3Ditor.

Light Params

This is where all the light parameters can be applied, which you would in scripting add with all the setLightXXXXX commands.


Since game version 2.06 it's possible to define directional lights.
In the Light Params leaf you can select whether the light emitter type is point or directional. Selecting directional allows to to use this Directional Leaf to set the “light cone” parameters.

At the time of writing this there's not much information available about these yet. So this may contain erroneous info..

You can rotate the light in 3D using the Eden Rotation Widget or in 2D by holding down SHIFT and dragging the direction arrow from the emitter (press and hold left mouse over the emitter and move the mouse, like with any Eden entity).

Save Preset

For saving your light params as a preset.
Name is required of course, Description is optional. The description will be shown as a tool tip when hovering over the preset name in the Load preset dialog.
Pressing Save will save your preset.

NOTE that names can only include English alphabet letters, no number as first letter of the name and only one special character, underscore, is allowed.
NOTE that you can only load a light preset “into” a light emitter.

Keyboard shortcuts:
ENTER = Save

Load Preset

For loading presets you might have saved. Here you can also delete them if you want.

To load a preset, select a light emitter to load the preset “into”, select the preset from the list and press Load.
To delete a preset, select it from the list and press Delete.

Keyboard shortcuts:
ENTER = Load
DELETE = Delete


This houses a few special attributes.


Export is here if for some reason need to cook up parameters and paste them into a script instead of just placing them with this tool into the scenario. It’s is possible if you need to have the emitters do something specific with an object other than just stay on it.

To export in config format press and hold down CTRL on your keyboard when pressing the Export button.

The parameters can be selected from their individual fields, “export fields”.
Pressing Export copies the parameters into the clipboard and into the .rpt file.

Here you can also import light parameters from some script for example: Place down or select a light emitter, copy/paste the parameters from the script to their appropriate export fields on the tool UI and press the Paste params button.