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Particle Editor Section

Move the mouse cursor into the Eden edit area and press INSERT on your keyboard.
This will insert one single particle emitter on the mouse cursor position; you will see a “box with a question mark” icon and the text particle_emitter_0 below it.

NOTE that the numbering of the emitter comes from the last known maximum amount of emitters present in the scenario, not the amount of emitter type.

The tool UI also gets filled with some data.

Let’s look at the tool top menu.

As you can see the emitter names is displayed on the Emitter list.

You can select individual emitters in several ways; by selecting them from this emitter list, selecting them on the edit area, or selecting them on the left panel entity list.

The Emitter Class list displays the particle classes available for use with this tool.\

When inserting a single emitter it will automatically select AirFireSparks (or whatever may be first in alphabetical order). However no effect is actually applied to the emitter until you choose one from the list.

The leftmost button the menu is for hiding the tool from view.

To get it back to view press CTRL + BACKSPACE.
CTRL+ BACKSPACE also hides the tool the same way the button does, the button is there just for convenience. NOTE that if you hide the Eden interface this tool hides with it, and vice versa.
Once the tool is hidden a “maximize” button will appear on the Eden status bar on the bottom of the screen:

The first button next to the Emitter list for deleting the selected emitter.

It requires a double click on it to avoid accidents. Emitter can also of course be deleted by pressing DELETE on your keyboard, just like any normal Eden entity.

The next one, the reticle looking one is “Cam on emitter”.

It moves the camera close to the emitter.
A keyboard shortcut CTRL + HOME does the same.

The next one, the big R is for renaming the selected emitter.

It opens up a small window in which you can give a new name for it. Note that the same rules as any other entity name apply, so no special characters (!, ?), spaces nor number as the first letter are allowed.
Keyboard shortcut SHIFT + ALT + R does the same (you need to select the emitter first). You can also open the renaming window by double clicking on the emitter.

The next is Attach mode selector.

When you press the button you will see it change icons from the default box to a grid and a globe.
Keyboard shortcut SHIFT + A will also “scroll through” the button.
This whole attach stuff will be explained later so no need to worry about this just now.

The last of the buttons in this bunch is the Clone button.

The emitters do not support the normal Eden copy/paste so in order to duplicate an emitter you need to press this button (when desired emitter is selected) or use the keyboard shortcut SHIFT + ALT + C.

The button right of the Emitter Class list, the big X is for clearing the emitter off of the selected class.

What this does it resets the selected emitter to the “factory default” of AirFireSparks in case of particles and an “empty” light with light emitters. Keyboard shortcut for this is SHIFT + C.

The rightmost button on the top menu that by default reads “Disable” is for disabling the emitters from emitting.

Emitters won’t get deleted, they emit as usual in preview/exported scenario but they are disabled for the editor.
When you press it the “Disable” text changes to “Enable” and pressing that then enables the emitters again and the text turns back to “Disable”.
Holding down CTRL while pressing this button disables/enables the selected emitter(s). If no emitters are selected disables all.
Disabled emitter names turn to red in 3D, on the map and on the entity list on the Eden left panel.
Keyboard shortcut SHIFT + ALT + D disables all emitters and CTRL + ALT + D disables selected emitters (if any, all if none selected). There is also an icon shown in the upper right corner when the emitters are disabled.

ped.txt · Last modified: 2021/11/28 07:43 by hneg